Make Your Next Direct Mail Campaign Digital!

Digital Direct Mail Campaigns

Let's Start A Conversation:

With QR Codes and Landing Pages!


Contact Allegra Today!

Benefits Beyond the Mailbox!

QR Codes & landing Pages enhance direct mail campaigns and offer
benefits to you and your target audience, including additional engagement options,
enhanced user experience, and better response tracking and campaign management

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Increased Engagement

Interactive Experience:
QR codes make the direct mail piece interactive. Scanning the QR code is a clear
call-to-action and transports the mail recipient immediately to your preferred online destination.

Immediate Access to Digital Content:
QR codes bridge the gap between offline direct mail and online content.
Providing instant access to additional information, videos, special offers, downloads, or contact-us forms.

Mobile Optimization:
Landing pages are optimized for mobile devices, ensuring a smooth user
experience for recipients who scan QR codes with their smartphones.

Multi-Channel Integration:
QR codes enable a cohesive multi-channel marketing strategy.
Integrating direct mail with digital marketing efforts will create a unified customer journey.

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Enhanced User Experience

User Convenience: 
Scanning a QR code is quick and easy, reducing the friction for the recipient to engage with
your message in a less intimidating way than calling or trying to type in a web URL.

Tailored Messaging
QR codes can lead to personalized landing pages based on recipient segments,
providing a more relevant and customized experience.

Instant Gratification: 
Recipients can access additional content or offers immediately upon scanning the
QR code, increasing satisfaction and engagement.

Optional Response Channels:
In addition to your business reply mail, the convenience of an online response
may be what persuades someone to take immediate action.

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Campaign Management & Tracking

Dynamic Content: 
The content on the landing page can be updated or customized
in real-time without changing the direct mail piece.

Versatile Applications: 
QR codes can link to a variety of online destinations, such as product
pages, sign-up forms, surveys, or social media profiles.

Measurable Results: 
QR codes can be tracked, providing valuable data on scan rates, locations,
and times, which helps in measuring the effectiveness of the campaign.

Behavior Insights: 
Landing pages can track user behavior, such as time spent on the page,
clicks, and conversions, offering deeper insights into customer preferences and actions.

Direct Mail does not need to be a blind spot in your campaign analytics.
Boost engagement, enable precise tracking, allow for personalization, and create a seamless transition between offline and online marketing.
Ask an Allegra Marketing Expert How We Can Make Your Next Direct Mail Campaign Digital!

Contact Allegra For More Information

3983 Linden Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49548 | 616.248.4110 |


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