How To Create Direct Mail That Appeals To Customers

Close Up of a Hand Pulling a Large Bundle of Mail Out of a Silver Mailbox

Even as the world of business and marketing goes more and more virtual, direct mail continues to be an effective form of marketing to potential and current customers. However, many companies know that direct mail is still a great way to market their products or services, which means you are competing with them for attention in customers’ mailboxes. So how can you create direct mail items that will appeal to your customers and make them more likely to remember your business and take further action? Here are a few ideas:

• Make it stand out: As soon as the customer or potential customer who receives your direct mail opens their mailbox, you want your mail to be the thing that stands out from the rest of the items in their mailbox. Custom envelope printing with eye-catching designs or unusual aesthetic features can keep your mail from blending in, and make the recipient more excited to open it up and see what’s inside.

Include a coupon or special offer: If your potential customer opens their mailbox and pulls out an item from you that has a message telling them there is a special offer or coupon inside, their curiosity will be piqued, and they will be more likely to open that piece of mail. Even better, if the coupon or special offer contained inside is one that they are interested in using, they are likely to set the mail on their counter or tack it to their refrigerator, meaning they will see your brand repeatedly, reinforcing your company in their memory.

• Include something functional: If your direct mail item is mainly intended to inform your customer of some type of news, or to let them know your business is opening in the area, they may just read the mail and then throw it out, and quickly forget your brand and your message. But if you include something functional with the mail, such as a small notepad for writing their grocery lists on, they will appreciate receiving something that is useful to them, and you will also be at the front of their minds when they look at the notepad featuring your company logo at the top.

• Include something informational: Similar to including something functional, including something informational can help the recipient attach positive feelings towards your company. If your company sells outdoor equipment, include an informational sheet on how people can stay safe while enjoying the outdoors. If your company provides home maintenance or repair services, give the recipient a calendar showing them the various preventive maintenance tasks they should be doing around their house each month. The recipient of that mail is likely to keep the helpful information that you gave them, and because it has your logo on it, they will remember to call your company when they are ready to buy your products or enlist your services.

From utilizing creative envelope printing and including special offers to providing items that are functional or informational, there are many ways to make your direct mail stand out from the competitors while also making your company memorable for potential and current customers. Direct mail is not a thing of the past, even as marketing becomes more digital, so get creative with your direct mail items!


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