Survey Delivery Options

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There are all sorts of ways to solicit customer/prospect opinions, running the gamut from informal (a quick “how did we do?” phone call) to formal (a separately administered focus group). The type of survey I’d like to discuss lies somewhere in between.

Starting with printed surveys (near and dear to my heart!), you can contract with a specialized marketing company to assist you in determining the questions and format of the survey, as well as the target audience, potential response rate, statistical significance, data collection and interpretation.

This professional approach works well if you have a larger, more intensive survey and a large number of recipients. It is sophisticated and involved, and the results are scientific and meaningful. It would also be beneficial to have an expert interpret the data for you.

Another printed survey can be designed and produced by your local Baltimore printer. They can help you select questions, layout the piece, determine the most logical and cost-effective way of delivering it to your clients/prospects, and assist with the logistics of having them returned to you (BRE’s, etc).

Printed surveys can also be handed directly to customers, either from a container on your front counter for clients to pick up themselves, or put into bags or boxes of product your customer is buying from you.

Emailed surveys are pretty straightforward, and a good, reputable vendor will be available to assist you with any help or questions you might have during the process. Survey Advantage has an excellent product which is reasonably priced and gives good customer service. Other emailed survey options include


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