How Do You Ensure the Success of Your Brand?

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How do you ensure the success of your brand? There are many avenues and options to consider when determining your path to success.

Is it advertising?

Spending thousands, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars on radio, television, billboards, and magazines? All that money for art directors, media buyers, and lots of time spent on decisions about commercials, photography, and graphics. Lots and lots of lead time from concept to completion. That’s not to say advertising doesn’t have it’s value; many advertising campaigns bring in significant ROI. Like all efforts, there is more success when combined.

Maybe it’s social media?

Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Google Plus, Yelp etc. Figuring out how to get your message out, measuring results, budgets, ROI, and platform choice is complicated. While, social media is essential in today’s world, it is more effective when combined with other efforts.

How about public relations?

Trying to determine the best firm for your needs and determining a budget is vital. What is press release worthy and when should something be addressed? Success with public relations isn’t as straight forward as one may think.

Is it Direct Mail?

Yes, it is! According to a survey conducted by PRWeek of US Marketing Directors, VPs of Marketing and CMOs, a whopping 48% said that direct marketing is the method that provides the most bang for the buck, with advertising at 18%, public relations at 17% and social media at 10%.

Direct mail is so fast! You can take your idea from concept to tallying up your additional sales in days or weeks, rather than months, years, or NEVER!

Direct mail is targeted! No use renting eyeballs and ears that are uninterested in your product when you can gear your piece to a confirmed and bona fide buyer.

Direct mail results are measurable! It is easy enough to track where orders are coming in with codes on your mailing pieces and special offers.

This is not to say there is no place for the other types of marketing. Indeed, cross-media is the most comprehensive, logical way to conduct up-to-date marketing campaigns. When all four are used in conjunction with one another, you get the most effective marketing campaign.

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